F.O.D.C.R.O. helps to record the past, for the present and
the future by supporting Durham County Council’s Record Office.

Our Aims and Objectives are:

* To promote and encourage public interest in the history of County Durham

* To promote the preservation, security and accessibility of relevant archival material

* To promote public awareness of the work of Durham County Record Office

* To support the Record Office in identifying and obtaining external funds for the benefit of Record Office users

* To assist the Record Office staff in the maintenance and improvement of archival services and facilities

* To co-ordinate voluntary help in support of the Record Office in conjunction with the staff

F.O.D.C.R.O. has a small but effective Management Committee which meets regularly at County Hall, Durham. An open Annual General Meeting is held each year in County Hall, to which local history groups and other local interest societies are invited. All members are also asked to put forward nominations to the AGM for Officer posts and Committee members. We will consider applying for charitable status when we feel the time is appropriate.

Our membership, which extends as far afield as Australia and North America, is currently 118 and we are confident of our numbers continuing to grow. Every member receives a Newsletter, currently issued twice a year and covering an excellent range of topics, along with the opportunity for members to submit interests of their own and, if they wish, to produce articles for the Newsletter.

F.O.D.C.R.O. has already contributed both voluntary efforts and funds towards increasing the accessibility of genealogical information within the Record Office and is actively working towards improving access to Birth and Burial Records throughout the county. More recently we have been fundraising towards the purchase of a document scanner, situated in the Research Room and, in commemoration of Durham's WWI Victoria Cross winners, the purchase of commemorative banners on their 100th anniversary. We are determined to continually assist the County Record Office and its staff in any way possible and in doing so, we will also assist the users of the data and services of the Record Office.

Our latest project involves the research into the respite visits of German children to Britain during periods after WWII to Murton and Wingate/Station Town. Funded by the Lottery Heritage Fund, we will try to discover information to ensure that this part of our local history is documented and preserved for the future. Please see the "Projects" pages for further information.

To become a member of F.O.D.C.R.O. click here for details and application form.